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Financial Information

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Salary Information

Higher Paid Staff 

Note 9c to the Trust’s financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2022 sets out the number of employees whose salary and other taxable benefits (excluding employer pension costs) exceeded £60,000 during that year. This note has been extracted from those financial statements and is reproduced below:

The number of employees whose employee benefits (excluding employer pension costs) exceeded:

In the band Sept 2023(number) Sept 2022 (number)
£60,001 - £70,000 1 2
£70,001 - £80,000 1 1
£80,001 - £90,000 1 1
£90,001 - £100,000 1 1
£100,001 - £110,000 1 0
£110,001 - £120,000 0 0


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