Our Team
Our Trust Team comprises many groups of talented people. The main focus of each group within our Trust is to ensure that our vision of Belonging, Believing and Becoming is lived out daily. This requires monitoring and support at a variety of levels, hence the structures we have put in place.
Our Members
Nick Bundock
Rector at St James & Emmanuel Church
Greg Mauchline
Chair of the St James and Emmanuel PCC
Reverend Andrew Bradley
Rector at St Wilfrid
Deborah Smith
Manchester Diocese Director of Education
Trust Board Members
Nick Bundock
Rector at St James & Emmanuel Church
Paul Good
Chair of Trustees
Mrs Miriam Jones
Mr Geoff Stevenson
Mrs Jo Lynch
Lee Jamieson
Ian Cole
Felicity Bradley
Our Executive Team
John Barrett
Sarah Storey
Our School Leaders
Victoria Rippon
Headteacher - Didsbury CE
Amanda Lancashire
Head of School, St. Elisabeth's CE
Helena Miller
Exec. Headteacher - St. Wilfrid's CE
Hannah Large
Headteacher - West Didsbury CE